Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Payroll Tax Round 2 for GP2010 for year 2011

Microsoft announced that the much anticipated Round 2 for GP2010 is out. The update filename is MicrosoftDynamicsGP11-KB2477921-ENU.msp (for U.S. English).

Read about it here:

The Tax Tables themselves are here: Round 2

Here is an excerpt from the U.S. 2011 January Payroll Tax Update For Microsoft Dynamics ® GP Round 2

“Installation is divided into two portions: the tax table update and the program code update. Installing the tax table update is required for all states included in the Round 2 update.

To install the tax table update:

You can run the tax update installation from any workstation. The update installs payroll tax table data on the server computer where your existing Microsoft Dynamics GP application data is located. You need to install the tax table update only once.

To install the program code update:

You need to install the update on the server as well as every workstation that runs Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Installation instructions vary, depending on the release you are using. Follow instructions for the release you are using:

Installing the program code update for Release 9.0 (links to a different part of the document)

Installing the program code update for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 or Release 10.0 (links to a different part of the document)

Before you begin, ask all Microsoft Dynamics GP users to exit the application until the update is complete. Exit all other applications, turn off the screen saver, and back up important data (including Forms.dic, Reports.dic, and Dynamics.vba if they exist) before you proceed with the installation.

Note: The Payroll Update Engine, which is used to install the tax table update, is not supported on 64-bit operating systems when running Release 9.0, or Release 10.0 prior to Service Pack 3. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Base article at;EN-US;947191

( or

Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0:

The update filenames are:

MicrosoftDynamicsGP-KB2477916-v10-ENU.exe (for U.S. English) and

MicrosoftDynamicsGP-KB2477917-v10-ESLA.exe (for Latin American Spanish).

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010:

The update filename is MicrosoftDynamicsGP11-KB2477921-ENU.msp (for U.S. English) and

MicrosoftDynamicsGP11-KB2477922-ENU.msp (for Latin American Spanish).

The file incorporates all previous code updates, including Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 and Release 10.0 Service Pack 5, the 2010 U.S. Payroll year-end update, and all recent hotfixes. If you are using Canadian Payroll, it also includes the Canadian 2010 Year-End Update/2011 Tax Update, as well as all previous Canadian Payroll tax updates.”

Stay tuned for upgrade path changes.

Until next post!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Change the Date at Midnight without the Dialog

A friend asked me recently how to get the date to advance if you are using the .ini switch SuppressChangeDateDialog=TRUE.

First, let me explain the .ini switch. If GP is open overnight, a dialog displays at midnight asking you if you want to advance the date.


Many firms run integrations overnight and this dialog displaying in the middle of an integration will cause it to crash. To keep the dialog from presenting, the ‘SuppressChangeDateDialog’ .ini switch was developed. If this switch is included in your dex.ini file, the date dialog will not be presented and therefore the integration will not crash.

A byproduct of the .ini switch is that the date does not automatically advance. So, we have a dilemma. In order to force the date to advance while suppressing the Change Date dialog, a tool was developed by Microsoft (then Great Plains). The tool is known as the ‘Update User Date’ utility. There is no charge for it, but you have to ask Tech Support in order to get it.

For versions GP 2010 and beyond, this utility is included as one of the free tools in the Professional Services Tools Library. Every GP installation should include this module because so many free tools are included. You can find the Update User Date utility in the upper left-hand corner of the Professional Services Tools Library window. In order to turn the functionality ‘on’ simply check the box to the left of the radio button.


I hope this helps you with your integrations.

Until next post!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Check those 1099s! You may have more than you bargained for!

Version 10 introduced ‘date sensitive’ 1099 reporting. This allowed us to print 1099s for a year without regard to the actual closing date for that year. Prior to this, if you didn’t close A/P right at the year end, it was not possible to cut off payables for the purpose of accumulating 1099 amounts.

The introduction of this new feature brought with it a new ‘gotcha’ in the world of 1099 reporting. If you have a vendor incorrectly marked as a 1099 vendor during the year (and amounts are paid to the vendor in excess of the thresholds), a 1099 will be issued for that vendor even after you change the setting to ‘Not a 1099 Vendor’. In order to prevent the Form 1099 from printing, you need to zero out all of the 1099 amounts recorded in the 1099 Details window. (Purchasing Area Page > Cards Content Pane >1099 Details.)

In order to see the 1099 Details for a vendor, first mark them as a 1099 vendor. After the vendor is marked, remove any amounts from the 1099 Amount column in the 1099 Details window. Don’t forget to reset the 1099 option after clearing out the balances. Once the balances are cleared, the 1099 will no longer print for this vendor. Marking the vendor as ‘Not a 1099 Vendor’ is no longer sufficient to cause the 1099 not to print.

This was an issue in version 10 and continues to be an issue with version 2010.

Until next post!


Friday, December 3, 2010

Support Debugging Tool–new release!


David Musgrave has done it again! He’s added more to the already unbeatable Support Debugging Tool. Find out more on David’s blog:

Support Debugging Tool Build 14 released

If you do not already have it, then your life is incomplete. For those of us who use it everyday, it’s hard to imagine life without it!

Thank you David!

Until next time,


Monday, October 25, 2010

AutoComplete Data for GP – it’s not really a Mystery

I have heard a lot of buzz lately about the AutoComplete fields and I thought I would take the opportunity to put it to rest. If I'm wrong about this, please correct me, but this is the truth as I know it.

The AutoComplete fields are not stored in the SQL database! They are stored in each user’s profile on each workstation they have used to log in to Dynamics GP.

For example, if I log in to workstation “A”, and then log in to Dynamics GP, an AutoCmpl.dat file will be created in my AppData folder on workstation “A”. If I then log in to workstation “B”, and log in to Dynamics GP, a different AutoCmpl.dat file will be created in my AppData folder on workstation “B”. A folder is created for each company database. Therefore, none of these files includes all of my AutoComplete data. Since the AutoComplete feature has a workstation component, you may have different AutoComplete fields pop up if you log in to Dynamics GP from multiple workstations.

On my Windows7 workstation, the AutoComplete fields for Fabrikam are stored here:

C:\Users\Leslie\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Business Solutions\Microsoft Dynamics GP\TWO\AutoCmpl.dat

A corresponding AutoCmpl.idx file is in that same folder. The ‘AppData’ folder is a hidden folder, so you will need to modify your folder view options in order to see it.

Another point: I do not think all of the AutoComplete records are “loaded into memory” when the form loads. The data is simply stored in a file and is pulled from the file when the user asks for it. I think the “AutoComplete” feature has been around since version 8, it works by matching typed-in text character-by-character and displaying matches in a drop-down list.

It seems each user can store up to 99,999 entries per AutoComplete field, per company. Theoretically, I suppose you could get millions of records in that file, but just like other data, it is merely taking up a little hard drive space until it is requested. The default number of entries is set to 10,000 per field. I'm not sure why 10,000 was selected, but there must be a reason (or it just seemed like a good idea at the time!).

It has been suggested by many that each user lower the per-field maximum from 10,000 to around 300. Rather than changing the AutoComplete limits, I would think it more appropriate to select ‘Remove unused entries after x days. If the user wants to remove an entry before that, simply right click on the errant entry and select ‘Remove from list’.

To satisfy my own curiosity, I connected an Excel spreadsheet to the AutoCmpl.dat file and imported the data. The data stored in the file looks like this.


If you open the Dex.dic file using Dexterity, you will find the AutoComplete table definition. The database type is forced to c-tree.

The .dat and .idx files are ctree Plus files. ctree Plus is an ISAM database from FairCom Corporation. Dynamics GP used to be available on the ctree platform. ctree files are still used for some of the temp tables in GP today. For more information about Temporary Tables, take a look at David’s article Working with temporary tables in Dexterity. As a Dexterity programmer you can define that a certain table will be created as a ctree file.

The Table Import Utility definitions are stored in ctree files (SY50000.dat and SY50100.dat). The On-Line Field Descriptions are stored in ctree files too, OLDF001.dat (for the tables) and OLFD002.dat (for the forms). If you have the ctree Plus ODBC driver, you can read these tables. If you want to learn more about using the ctree Plus ODBC drivers, read the article Using ODBC to read the On-Line Field Descriptions File.

Live the Dream!
