Landon’s Quick Links section contained dividers much like this:
I thought it was fabulous to have dividers and asked him how he did it. He explained how he created those dividers and I thought it was genius – and can be used in other places throughout our GP system. But for now, let’s deal with the Home Page.
To create a divider line you need to add a web page shortcut to your QuickLinks pane. In the Name field on the Add Web Page box you should put in whatever you want to appear as the divider. For our example I will use a string of hyphen characters (-----). For the address, select either http:// or https://, it does not matter which. In the name field to the right of the address simply type in a hyphen.
The hyphen is really just a placeholder, you will not get any error messages because it will really not try to launch any web page.
The new line will be added to the bottom of the Quick Links pane and can be moved up and down to accommodate your needs.
It’s a wonderful thing, thank YOU Landon Russell!
Until next post!
Wow -- I'm famous -- my name is in someone's blog!
Thanks for posting this tip, so other GP users can benefit.
Landon - Clearly, you're a Rock Star!
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