
Monday, July 12, 2010

You Can’t Deny security for some Windows!

How you can tell which windows

If you open the window with Modifier (or Dexterity) you will notice the Window Title value is ~internal~. The System Setup Checklist is one of those windows.

Windows with this title are not available as a security object that can be added to a task.


Can you change it?

Modifier – Changing the Title in Modifier doesn’t work. The window is not available in the Alternate/Modified list.

VBA – You could make the window invisible. I’m sure there are other things a skilled VBA programmer can come up with.

SQL – Adding the window to the SY10700 table doesn’t help. It still does not show up as a valid operation. It is listed on the Security Task Setup report however.


  • Creating an Alternate window doesn’t work.
  • Hacking the Dynamics.dic, well of course that works, but not recommended.

Get a List of the ~internal~ windows

Follow the link below – I created an Excel Spreadsheet called ‘Table and Window Names’ that will show the window & table resources listed in the Window Descriptions and Table Descriptions in Dynamics GP.

Until Next Post!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Leslie,
    That's really interesting and brings me actually to one other bug related to ~internal~ windows in GP... Since the latest SP4 upgrade, I realized that every time the desktop goes into screen saver mode and the user logs back into his session, if the GP client is still active, then 2 very small windows with the title ~internal~ pop-up at the left top corner of the screen... I investigated the matter quite a while since it was reported on a fresh installed GP client by a user on a brand new computer.
    First I though it affected only a certain version of OS (XP or Win7), but soon we found out it was related to the screen refresh. Microsoft pointed (and David too) that it might related to the video driver, but then we realized it was more common that thought first hand and happened equally with ATI or nVidia video cards (maybe even Intel chipsets).
    The only way to close those 2 small windows is to use the File >> Close option (the white-red cross don't work) or CTRL-W. Personally I think this is a glitch introduced after SP4.. but I would have to dig into this with setting up an old pre-SP4 env for GP10 to validate this.
    As always, good job done and have a great day.
