
Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Customer is its own Parent

Recently I've read some posts regarding National Accounts. There are a few items I wanted to note.
  1. Once you have posted a transaction between the parent and the child - the child cannot gain independence again, nor can it run off to a different parent.
  2. On the Customer Card, the parent needs to have itself as its Parent Customer ID - making them a parent in the National Accounts Maintenance window will automatically accomplish this. If you import the children into the National Accounts master - don't forget this detail.
  3. If the children are all removed from the parent, the parent will still have itself as its own parent.
  4. If you want the former parent to become a child of another customer, you will not be able to do it until you take away its Corporate Customer ID (which is its own ID)
  5. The only way I know of to fix the former parent problem, is to use SQL and remove the record from the RM00105 table (the RM National Accounts Master)
Moments after I posted the above, I received a note from Brenner Klenzman at WilloWare Software  about a neat customization you can get from them. Here's his story:
" As an ISV, a VAR is a National Account for us [Willoware], with their Customers (end users) being the children in the National Account.
However, there is often more than one VAR/partner involved with a single customer.  So one customization allows us to assign any VAR as the “parent” on any given invoice.  Essentially there is a Primary Parent, and an unlimited number of Secondary Parents.
Also, since customers often change VARs, another customization allows changing the Primary Parent (i.e. the National Accounts Parent)."
I hope this helps someone who may be struggling with National Accounts.
Live the dream!

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