
Thursday, February 19, 2015

How to disable "Checking for newer builds" message in Rockton software products

Given the well-deserved popularity of Rockton Software’s ( products, such as ‘SmartFill’ and ‘The Dynamics GP Toolbox’, it has come to my attention that it checks for newer builds each time you sign in. Kind of like the ‘Welcome to Dynamics’ trill from years ago, this can get annoying. Fortunately, Rockton has addressed this issue and published the following KB article to address it.

Jim Moore, at Wesco Valve and Manufacturing Company ( was kind enough to send me the article below: 

Disabling the "Checking for newer builds..." message. Note: This setting is user-specific.

Option 1.

To disable this feature, go through the following steps:

  1. Click on the Help icon in the upper-right corner of GP.
  2. Select Rockton Software Support at the bottom of the list.
  3. On the menu, click Settings >> Rockton Software Preferences.*
  4. Under the User-specific settings section, bring up the individual user for whom you want to change the setting.
  5. Unmark the Enable check for newer builds at the login for each user that doesn’t want to have that process run.

Note: These settings are stored in a table in the DYNAMICS database, so you don’t need to do this at each workstation.

*Step 3, the path may vary. It may be Rockton Software Support | Preferences | Rockton Global Settings.
Note: All users will be marked by default but the check for newer builds will only appear for PowerUsers and users assigned to the Administrator role for Rockton Software products within Security. If you use Auditor, then it is based on those users you marked as Admins. in the Auditor System Settings window.
Option 2.
To do a mass update on the table that the information is stored in, you can run the following script in SQL Management Studio.  You can then view what the values are for that particular setting in the RS_Global_Setting_Value column (1 = Enabled and 0 = Disabled)**. Be sure to have a backup made prior to running the script.


UPDATE RSIGLOBL SET RS_Global_Setting_Value = 0 WHERE RS_Global_Setting_Key = 'EnableNewerBuildCheck'

More Information:
When you install any Rockton product after turning this off, you will receive a prompt at the end of the install to re-enable the setting if it has been disabled. 
**It is recommended that you leave at least one person enabled, so that they are notified when a new build is available.

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