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Thursday, February 2, 2012
Change the name of the SQL Server
Sometimes it comes up that we need to change the name of the SQL Server. Below is a quick and dirty checklist on how to accomplish this t...
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Thursday, January 26, 2012
Refunding Over withheld FICA
I’m getting more and more questions trickle in regarding how to ‘fix’ payroll when you’ve over withheld on FICA. This problem came about m...
Management Reporter 2012–more info 1
First, the blog that tells all on what is currently public on Management Reporter 2012. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dynamicscpm/ Remember that...
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Management Reporter 2012 Rocks!
It’s time to put FRx out to pasture and welcome Management Reporter with open arms! Heretofore I have not been carrying the flag for Man...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
2012 Tax tables re-released!
Round 1 of the 2012 tax tables have been re-released to reflect the changes made by congress to extend the 2% tax holiday. Make sure you ha...
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